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Teams mates | Building teams with your customers

EVENT DATE: 25th November 2021
TIME: 11am – 12pm

Customers can contact your organisation by phone, email, social media messages, webchat and apps such as WhatsApp – in fact in any way they can. As a result, your teams are using multiple platforms to connect to deliver service and experience to customers.

What if there was a way that your organisation could bring together your internal communications platform, Microsoft Teams, and combine it with a multi-channel platform so that your teams can focus on delivering customer experience? How slick would that be?

We’re interviewing expert Teams evangelists Tim Smee and Tom Cotton and asking them to tell us just what can be done, how, and having them explain what this will mean for your contact centres and customer experience.

Join us for this unique opportunity to hear directly from the experts and have your own questions answered live.

Our Speakers

Picture of Tim Smee

Tim Smee

Picture of Tom Cotton

Tom Cotton